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Calling on Colleagues

I am giddy with that familiar blogging feeling that I got during my peak blogging years, ages 14-23. I set myself up too. If you listened to "Episode 2, Settling into Web 2.0," you'd have known I'd be posting today. Despite not being entirely sure that I want to write, I have the same adrenaline, excitement, and a fluid flow of potentiality that I might create something that truly comes from my innermost authentic self. Ah, I have long awaited to get back into the flow of blogging, and I am supremely excited that I have a CoP, Community Of Practice, and Personal Learning Network with me as I re-embark on this journey. These classmates of mine, perhaps you who are reading (I hope), are also writing such brilliant and inspirational entries that truly ignite my interests in the course topics and provide my learning with such depth and complexities of original thought, experiences, and introspections that I would have never gotten just reading the class material lonesome.

Some of my personal favorites and key bloggers of interest in the class for me so far are: 

The motherboard blog is the OG EME6414 Web 2.0, written by Doc.

This is Lohe Pono by Kalei Holt, a Hawaiian Environmentalist working with youth in the non-profit sector.

Trev Willians of TW's Blog also conducts the FarmTraveler podcast about farm-to-table restaurants and sustainable, environmental entrepreneurs and projects. 

I am a fan of Tired Teacher, who, seemingly without effort, always provides insightful and thoughtful reflections on the weekly topics and readings.

Finally, my master's career-long study buddy super-woman friend, Melanie Yurewitch, is an excellent person to have in my blogosphere, who I appreciate on a-whole-nother-level. In addition to being a student, she does two hands-full things, including mothering two children under two, working full-time with youth, home-care, and (personal interest bonus and possible theme for my semester) she studied Environmental Science, we regularly connect to on the backchannels. She's a significant influencer for me to stay motivated and engaged. I highly recommend finding a study buddy or blog buddy!

Which blogs are your favorite? How many do you read!? Please share a mini-description of your blog!


  1. I'm glad that you're enjoying other bloggers! I'm getting into blogs slowly but I'm sure I'll also have my favorite bloggers! : )

  2. Aww thanks for the shout out! I always enjoy bouncing ideas off each other. Also having someone to help me figure out "what the heck I'm doing?!". haha
