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Goodnight Sunday

Here's a pict of me grounding, but in a tree... Harvesting avocado!

    This week, I changed up my blogging schedule... I feel more at ease. Reflecting on writing blogs in the early years of greatest/Livejournal and Xanga (?) really gives me 'the feels'. Most of my early posts were centered around documenting my life, and my later childhood/early adolescence. As i began to develop blogging as an art, I started exploring coding and fashion/lifestyle blogs, easily influenced by two bloggers I followed during that time, one of whom I can't find these days, if anyone knows who it is, it was something about Katrina and pugs? and the other is a now Swedish author and influencer, Niotillfem... I was one of her first followers! I even have comments on my old blog from her before she got famous.

    I am attempting to brainstorm how I might continue blogging post eme6414... in a way that is authentic to myself. Open to hearing ideas, suggestions, and perspectives of classmates and their planned journeys after the class in regards to web 2.0 and blogging!

Grounding Techniques

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