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Settling into Web 2.0

In this second episode of the Instructional Systems Design Podcast, the first episode in the new season, SUMMER 2022, and the second post of this blog for the week. It ties together Weeks 1+2 of #eme6414 Web 2.0, delivered as a micro-episode, ringing in at 4 minutes and 20 seconds. It is best listened to on a swift walk to get the mail or while putting dishes away. It will go over two details:
  1. My posting system for Web 2.0 
      • (so you can stay tuned and check in for updates!)
  2. Kietzmann, et. al from Segal Graduate School of Business;
      •  7 foundational building blocks of social media
Tell me what your structure for this summer season is. Do you have a weekly schedule that you abide by? Ever since being in this program, it's been necessary to my mental well-being!

Digitives & Produsage

Day 1 of week 2: Digital Natives and Produsage

As Doc teaches us early in the week: portmanteau is a term that blends words to make new ones... It is news to me that I've practiced the art of creating portmanteau's, and am excited that my handle, @priorneear is based on a real literary strategy! The 'screenname' (IM-gen language) origin is based on the blending of 3 words prior+near+pioneer. Many moons ago in 2007/2008, in our high school American History class, a classmate and I idealized the concept of an iPhone:
(Strangely enough, I do remember it... but in a different class and in a different way... 
this uncomfortably makes me think of the Mandela effect. )

This is just one example of many ideas ideated before they have manifested. In terms of change management, I often maintain the qualities of an 'innovator' or, in my own words, a priorneear... because I have oftentimes come close to conceptualizing an idea that later becomes a reality, sometimes it's a slightly off and also, I haven't entirely acted on every one of those ideas. My father and grandfather have been very much the same. My father invested in DVD players, computers, and the internet in the early years compared to his peers. While my grandfather had his own projects. 

Maybe Monday posts will be about ideating the rest of the week... Finding a system of posting will really benefit me, this blog, and my readership. It will provide a structure for content creation. Systems, even in the blogosphere are fascinating... and so are networks!

What do you think? What is the best strategy for content sharing three times weekly? What would YOU like to see on what days of the week? What days of the week will you be posting? Also, do you have a system of blogging planned for yourself?

virtual vs. printed text

If you were anticipating a special Sunday post, you have to be patient and wait longer. Just as I patiently await the arrival of this textbook.

This isn't an ad... but if I hyperlink the HPB-Ruby and the class textbook, not to mention linking #eme6414 and @FSU ISLT, could it be three... and I then be triply endorsed? 

If you answer 'yes' to this question, then Venmo @priornear now.

The original reason for posting the receipt of my future physical copy of Networked: The Social Operating System (The MIT Press), is because I wanted to share that I discovered something about reading virtually vs. reading printed form of literature... I believe it is relatable to the concepts of Web 2.0, if you disagree; comment and tell me why.

As I read my colleagues' blogs, I realized how easy it was to fluidly capture their meaning and essence, similar to messenger apps. The flow of conversation and 'text language' felt familiar and easy to grasp. While reading the textbook, however, I found it cumbersome and difficult. There is a significant distinction. What is it? Consider the context of virtual text vs. printed. Do you think there is a real hard purpose of choosing one vs. the other? Palimpsestic is my new favorite term I discovered in this week's readings. It's the malleability of the languages of text. However, Part I of Networked is primarily an exploration of the histories of the interweb, social media, and mobile... which surely can morph while new information is revealed. Still, the information in this textbook is hard data, facts. I want it in my hands, un-manipulated during my studies this summer. 

PS. 'v.' verses "vs."  Maybe I need to get into writing legal literature.